Confession Time

11 March 2024

Written By Dannielle Taylor

Yes, I made this sound dramatic, what you gonna do about it?

Okay, let’s be real, the blogs never became a thing. My fault entirely, like you know it and I know it too, my heart just wasn’t in it. Why? It’s probably because I always have this feeling that when I talk about my book stuff, no one actually cares. Which I know isn’t true, but it’s always been a mindset of mine. Someone asks how it’s going with the books and I’ll get all squirmy and weird then say, “Oh good, I just finished this chapter … but I can’t really talk about it. It was good though … I had fun. Life is good, writing is good … so how are you?”

I’m so awkward about it and it’s annoying. People do care and I know they do, I just have this issue in my head where I think that talking about writing is boring - which is so unbelievably untrue because I have friends who talk about their writing and it’s the most interesting conversations I have.

So let me start this by saying, I will come back to blogs. It may not be now, it may be abandoned for weeks or for months on end, hey, I might even come back tomorrow (I’m lying, shhh), but the point is, I will come back! I just want to find my creative spark for blogs and I haven’t figured that out yet.

Here’s some Brodie to make up for my absence :)


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